3ja bréf AGS hópsins til Strauss Kahn
Reykjavík, 29. desember 2009.
Mr. Dominique Strauss KhanManaging DirectorThe International Monetary FundWashington, D.C., 20431U.S.A. Mr. Strauss Kahn: We would like to express our appreciation for an educational meeting we had with Mark Flanagan on the 4th of December 2009.We have included a narrative of the meeting in this letter. The meeting yielded many interesting insights. However, despite sitting with us for almost two hours Mr. Flanagan failed to explain to us all the aspects of IMFs policy regarding Iceland.
In fact, the meeting left more questions unanswered than answered. We consider several aspects of IMFs program unrealistic. We suspect that this fact is clear to the IMFs representatives. That raises the question whether the approach, developed by the IMF, is political in nature rather than economical.Is it possible that it is clear both to the Icelandic government and the IMF that the program developed by them has no basis to stand on? If that is the fact, what will then be the future of the Icelandic nation?
As the Icelandic bank collapse will most likely be used in all future textbooks about economics, the reputation of IMF is now directly linked to the outcome of the crisis in Iceland.We hope that you as an experienced politician fully understand our concerns. You probably understand our fear that Iceland will become a low-income country, relying on the production of aluminum and fish for our creditors.We therefore reiterate our invitation to you to meet with us in person at a venue of your choice. Best regards,On behalf of group Gunnar Sigurðsson Please respond to:Open Civil meetingsHér að ofan er 3ja bréf okkar til Strauss Kahn framkvæmdastjóra AGS. Það er mikilvægara nú eftir afgreiðslu Icesave en nokkurn tíma áður að fá skýr svör frá þessari stofnun. Svör í sambandi við á hverju þeir byggja efnahagslegar áætlanir sínar fyrir Ísland.
Það sem fram hefur komið í samskiptum við sjóðinn er meðal annars:
- Að stjórn AGS stóð á bak við að setja Icesave sem skilyrði inn í okkar áætlun vegna þrýstings frá Bretum og Hollendingum
- Að áætlanir þeirra um viðskiptajöfnuð og skattatekjur byggja á "goal seeking" í Excel
- Að Íslensku ríkisstjórninni er í sjálfvald sett hve mörg ár hún tekur í niðurskuð og skattahækkanir
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